This web page is specially dedicated to mom, dad, brothers Matthew & Samuel who are currently residing in the far distant country.
"My name is Daniel. I am now about 3 years old. I stand at 3ft tall and weigh 14 kg. I am staying with my grandparents since I was 8 months old. Uncle Andrew is posting this webpage for me as I am too young to do it myself. I am happy as you can see from my above photos. I asked Uncle Andrew to snap photos for me because I want mom and dad to see me that I have grown up. I missed mom, dad & brother Matthew very much."
Below are more photos taken at the Sibu Town Square and some taken at home. The outdoor photos were taken on 18-03-2001 around 6:35 p.m. in the evening so the background was dark.
(Grandma & Daniel)
(From left to right Bryan, Andrew & Daniel)
(From left to right, Linda, Bryan, Daniel & Grandma)
These photographs were taken and this webpage was created in conjunction with the Foochows 100 years Centennial in Sibu, Sarawak. In the next 100 years we are no longer around to witness this celebration.
Dated: 30-03-2001
Copyright @ 2001 Andrew Sui. All Rights Reserved.